Amazing things are unfolding at Virginia Tech. We are creating new models of interdisciplinary learning in higher education and exploring new frontiers of research and innovation at the human-technology frontier. Our use-inspired portfolio offers the foundations for start-up companies with the potential to ignite ecosystems. K-12 STEM education programs and inclusion and diversity initiatives are addressing issues of access and equality that are central to our national and economic competitiveness. And, if that’s not enough, we are launching an entirely new Innovation Campus in Alexandria, Virginia, to meet the rapidly changing needs of the 21st century digital economy.
By design, we’re not doing it alone. Systems-level issues cannot be addressed within an ivory tower. Virginia Tech is part of something bigger than ourselves, and industry partnerships are an imperative.
Partnerships don’t happen by accident. They take attention, focus, and expertise.
LINK+LICENSE+LAUNCH has been built to deliver. We are a team of professionals dedicated to all aspects of corporate partnerships, from research collaborations, to corporate giving, to technology commercialization, to start-ups.
One of my favorite quotes is credited to Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small team of committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” We agree. And it is with optimism, hard work, and service-oriented sensibilities that we get to work.
In just two years, we have grown from an office of one to a team of twenty and have been involved in some of the largest and most important partnerships and investments in the history of Virginia Tech. We are just getting started.
We hope you are as excited to get to know us as we are you. Together, we can change the world.